Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Week Ahead

Some Sunday Randomness while I cook lunch! {If you want to see some cards, scroll on down}

A new week...fresh and exciting. Before Labor Day, I claimed that once we made it through that weekend, we would be able to chill and relax our way into fall. Well, then the calendar quickly filled up again. It just seems to be something all the time. Again, as I started out the weekend, I thought the next week would be quiet.
Well, I knew we had some things on Thursday and Friday. Then I got a call to Sub Tuesday at the High School lunchroom. OK. Then Friday night is a home Football game, we will probably walk down to that. Saturday is Wes' first home Jr. High game...we will defiantly go to that. Kristin and Travis will be here. My great Aunt Gene comes on the train Friday. A good family friend will also be in town for the weekend, so there is a BBQ Saturday night for her. We will most likely skip the Drag Races unless we decide differently for Sunday.

There you go, it's all booked up again! Isn't this just crazy? I guess most of the busy-ness is over the weekend, but it still seems like the whole week. Oh well...

Also, we talked to RC's kindergarten teacher and she thinks that he is still pretty young for K. So after a lot of thought we have decided to go back to Preschool. I am OK with it, and he is super OK with it. So I guess that is all the matters. And I am happy we do it now, then 3 years down the road.

Today I am enjoying the day creating. I keep thinking about how fast these craft fairs are going to pop up. I'm trying to think Holidays, but man I still want to think Sun Shine! LOL...

Hope you are enjoying the Sunday afternoon too. Have a great week...I've got lots of posts to share!!

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